Top 5 Foods That Ease Your Heartburn

Top 5 Foods That Ease Your Heartburn

Those who suffer from heartburn are usually familiar with foods that trigger heartburn, from caffeine to fried foods. However, with National Personal Chef’s Day falling on July 16th, it’s a good month to celebrate by experimenting with foods that can help calm your heartburn. Try some DIY recipes or even treat yourself by hiring a personal chef to cook up some yummy, heartburn-free meals!

Here are a few foods/ingredients that you can incorporate into your diet in an effort to prevent the horrible pain of acid reflux:

GINGER: is a natural anti-inflammatory. It has been used for centuries as a natural calming agent for stomach issues. Try chewing a piece of raw ginger or, for a less harsh taste, place ginger in hot water to make ginger tea and drink.

OATMEAL: high in fiber and low in fat makes oatmeal a perfect start to the day. Top it off with bananas, as they are known to fight stomach acid naturally.

BEANS: another great ingredient, full of fiber and protein. Beans are a great alternative to meat, as they prevent heartburn and are very filling.

APPLESAUCE: trying to avoid using oil and butter in foods can be difficult, but you’re setting yourself up for heartburn! Substituting butter and oils with applesauce will prevent this problem. Applesauce will reduce the amount of fat and increase fiber to your meal.

PASTA WITHOUT TOMATO SAUCE: we all crave a hearty plate of pasta from time to time. However, pasta drenched in classic tomato sauce will keep you up all night. Go for a thinner broth sauce instead and using whole-wheat pasta will increase your fiber intake, too!

Substituting your meals with these top 5 ingredients will allow you to have a peaceful meal with reduced chances of heartburn. If you have already tried these tips and still suffer from constant heartburn, make an appointment with Dr. Darido today!
