The Link Between Heartburn and Genetics

The Link Between Heartburn and Genetics


Generally, when people talk about something that “runs in the family,” it’s usually something good.  Why wouldn’t you talk about the genes that pass down athleticism, smarts, and good health?  It’s the bad stuff that people don’t always discuss, especially those chronic conditions that so many members of a family have to deal with.

Have you ever wondered if heartburn can run in the family?

A reasonable way to answer this question might be to say that it’s possible for heartburn to be genetic.  However, it might be better to say that certain hereditary conditions can be genetic, and those pose a consistent threat for heartburn.

For example, if certain digestive problems are prominent in your family, then that alone can help trigger frequent heartburn.

Some studies have shown a consistent presence of heartburn/acid reflux triggers in a family, yet it still might depend on the level of severity.  That means if you’ve got more than one person in your family who has been diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus, you are more likely to be at risk than families with milder cases of heartburn.

Regardless of whether or not your heartburn is hereditary, you can still relieve and prevent it the same way that everyone does.  You should still watch what you eat and when you eat.  You should also avoid other habits or health problems that can trigger heartburn/acid reflux like obesity and smoking.

Our staff at Houston Heartburn are knowledgeable, experienced professionals who can help you understand why you have heartburn and how to treat it.  If we can help you in any way, contact us today to schedule a visit.