Acid Reflux on Thanksgiving Day: Do You Need To Call An Acid Reflux Specialist?

Houston Acid Reflux Doctor

Acid Reflux on Thanksgiving Day: Do You Need To Call An Acid Reflux Specialist?

It is estimated that the average American consumes around 4500 calories on Thanksgiving Day including 229 grams of fat. Adding copious amounts of alcohol to this rich buttery meal and the end result for many is severe heartburn. Heartburn is the hallmark symptom of acid reflux. It is a burning sensation behind the breastbone that may radiate up to the throat. Acid reflux occurs when the valve between esophagus and stomach relaxes allowing gastric juice to splashes up into the esophagus. Occasional heartburn is treated with acid neutralizing medications like Tums, Zantac, Prilosec… Most of these medications are available over the counter and have a high safety profile when taken over short periods of time. Home remedies are also effective. Baking soda, apple cider vinegar, raw cabbage… can temporarily alleviate a heartburn attack.

If, however, you suffer from acid reflux on a daily or weekly basis then this is a sign that there is something wrong. Your stomach is sending you an important signal that you should neither ignore nor mask with over the counter antacid medications. Houston Heartburn and Acid Reflux specialists strongly recommend you to be evaluated by an acid reflux expert. Acid reflux disease is a progressive and chronic problem that affects the quality of your life, damages the lining of the esophagus and increases your chance of esophageal cancer. Early diagnosis and effective treatment by a specialized doctor will help you regain your life, take control of acid reflux and enjoy many holidays to come.

On behalf of the Houston heartburn and reflux center team, and myself, I would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving Day and an acid reflux free holiday.