Which Health Conditions Cause Heartburn?

Which Health Conditions Cause Heartburn?

Any health problem can be difficult to deal with, let alone it causing another problem; heartburn. The following are various health conditions which can cause heartburn.

Slow digestion

Delayed gastric emptying is where the stomach doesn’t empty in the correct direction. Instead, food goes the opposite way and therefore, causes reflux. This cause of heartburn is more common with people who have diabetes. If blood sugar is too high for too long, the nerves that help food move along the digestive tract, can be damaged.


Hiatal hernia

This health condition causes part of the stomach to bulge through the diaphragm and into the chest. This results in acid being able to flow straight through into the chest, making the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) work inefficiently. You may never know you have hiatal hernia, with the only symptom being chronic acid reflux.



During the first trimester, hormonal changes weaken and relax the LES. However, as time goes by and the baby starts to grow, the pressure on the abdomen may push the valve out of position. The valve in normal circumstances, stops acid flowing up the wrong way. If the valve is moved or there is an abnormal valve, acid will flow through, causing heartburn.



Being overweight, as well as over eating, eating too quickly and eating too fast, can all cause heartburn. Similar to being pregnant, the excess weight by overeating, or if you are overweight, can add pressure to your stomach, potentially pushing acid through into your esophagus.


If you find yourself in any of these situations, call Houston Heartburn today, and start a road to recovery, without the burn!