Using a Food Journal to Fight Heartburn

Using a Food Journal to Fight Heartburn

food journal

One of the ways to control heartburn is to watch what you eat.  Sometimes, when that advice is given, it tends to sound too easy.  After all, with everything else going on in our lives, it isn’t always easy to monitor or even remember what we’ve eaten during the course of a day.  Not being able to track what you eat can lead to a certain combination of foods to trigger a bad case of heartburn.

So, what can you do?  One option is to keep a food journal.  This will help you keep track of not only what you eat each day, but also during the course of a week.  Here’s how you can make it work:

Be conscious of time
If you’re trying to identify the consistencies in which heartburn occurs, set an adequate timetable in which to monitor the frequency of symptoms.  When heartburn/acid reflux occurs, make note of when it happened and how long it stayed with you.

List the foods
Along with keeping an eye on time, keep track of what you eat during the course of the day.  Keep in mind, it doesn’t always have to be one food/drink, but also a combination of certain things that can trigger acid reflux.  You want to be able to identify what causes the problems.

Mention medications
If you frequently take medications for heartburn, make them a featured part of the journal.  Granted, you may not always need to, but it will be important to track the times you take anything.  You’ll especially want to make note of cases when medications didn’t help.  In cases like that, you should seek medical attention.

Add other details
Any details you can add to the journal can be helpful because acid reflux is not always triggered by food alone.  Some important side details include:

  • Lying down after eating
  • Eating on the run/too fast
  • The clothes you’re wearing (tight fitting)

These days, if someone wants to keep a journal, you have options.  Some may want to carry a physical book to write in.  However, you could also use a mobile device as well.

If we can help you develop an effective food journal or help analyze the results of one, contact us to schedule a visit.