My PCP Told Me I Have GERD; Now What?

My PCP Told Me I Have GERD; Now What?

70% of GERD patients do not seek medical attention. They self-diagnose and often self-medicate. Antacid medications like proton pump inhibitors are sold nowadays over the counter. At Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center, we encounter patients who have been taking such medications for the past 10 to 15 years of their life. Most of these patients never had an upper endoscopy to check for acid reflux.

Here is the problem:

Patients who complain of heartburn do not necessarily have GERD. Heartburn is a symptom; GERD is a disease. Physicians don’t treat symptoms. Physicians manage an underlying disease to control symptoms. Without proper testing (upper endoscopy and Bravo or impedance pH measurement) one cannot rule in or rule out acid reflux.  Furthermore, upper endoscopy allows physicians to evaluate the severity of acid reflux. The 4 stages of GERD are determined based on the extent of damage to the esophageal lining. GERD treatment is tailored according to stage. Stage one patients benefit from lifestyle changes and the occasional use of Tums. Stage 3 patients will benefit from a laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication. A nissen fundoplication, in this case, reliably stops acid reflux. This in turns eliminates symptoms and prevents disease progression.

At Houston Heartburn and Reflux Surgery Center, we highly encourage anyone suspected of having GERD, based on symptoms, to request a referral to a GERD expert. Dr. Darido has the expertise to confirm a GERD diagnosis (or help you explore the underlying cause of your symptoms); determines if your disease has progressed to esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, or esophageal cancer; and provides you with all the available treatment options for your consideration.  Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center’s mission is to educate and empower patients to take control of their disease. Educated patients can make smart decisions about their health, lifestyle, and quality of life.