Heartburn Moment of the Super Bowl

Heartburn Moment of the Super Bowl

Heartburn Moment of the Super Bowl

While enjoying the game today between the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams you may develop heartburn. There are plenty of reasons for a heartburn attack during Super Bowl: Greasy and spicy food, alcoholic drinks, maybe smoking and definitely strong emotional reactions to the game.

Stress and anxiety by themselves do not cause acid reflux. However, if you suffer from acid reflux, a stressful situation exacerbates the sensation of heartburn and other acid reflux related symptoms. On the other hand, trigger foods like tomato sauce, hot salsa, pizza… relax the lower esophageal sphincter and contribute to severe acid reflux episodes.

Loading up on proton pump inhibitors prior to Super Bowl and munching on Tums and Rolaids during the game is not a solution for severe acid reflux. Rather, Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center recommends prevention, thorough evaluation and effective treatment to reliably stop acid reflux. Proton pump inhibitors mask heartburn but don’t stop acid reflux. Consequently, as you are indulging in heartburn trigger food items, thinking acid reflux is under control, reflux is occurring and damaging your esophagus and health.

If you suffer from recurrent heartburn, don’t hesitate to contact a competent acid reflux specialist in your area to get evaluated and properly treated. Don’t go through another Super Bowl loaded on Nexium, Prilosec, Zantac … Don’t simply mask your heartburn. Treat your acid reflux to stop heartburn and start enjoying life again.