Cut the Cravings, Cut the Heartburn

Cut the Cravings, Cut the Heartburn

Overeating is one of the most common heartburn triggers, especially when overeating foods high in sugar and salt. Here are some healthy alternative foods you can eat that will combat your sweet and salty cravings.

  • Sunflower seeds – can regulate nerves and muscles and are packed with nutrients.
  • Air popped popcorn – rather than snacking on salty chips, eating popcorn can actually reduce overeating.
  • Fruit – a flavorful snack packed with nutrients and fiber. Melons are high in water content and low acidity and berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, are high in fiber and natural sweetness.
  • Plain frozen yogurt with fresh fruit – less fat than ice cream, but packed with more protein, keeping you fuller for longer. The fruit will add great flavor and vitamins.
  • Dark chocolate – filled with antioxidants, a small piece of dark chocolate hits the sweet tooth every time.
  • Whole-wheat pretzels – packed with fiber to help keep you fuller for longer. This will prevent you from overeating on a higher calorie food.
  • Pistachios – will satisfy your craving for salt. This nut is also packed with more natural antioxidants than other nuts. Peeling each shell will slow down your eating also.
  • Baked chips – move away from indulging in salty chips and opt for baked chips instead. Much healthier and will satisfy your salt craving.

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There are lots of alternative foods for all different cravings. Crunchy vegetables, such as carrots and bell peppers, are high in water and will help to suppress your appetite. It’s even more tempting to reach for some carb packed comfort food. Instead of gorging into a big bowl of pasta with tomato sauce, no doubt causing heartburn, turn to the popular high fiber food – oatmeal. It’s not just for breakfast! Rice pudding and applesauce are also good comfort snacks.

Fried foods are another major heartburn trigger. When you are craving something fried, try oven baked, crispy chicken strips instead. Instead of greasy French fries, try the healthier alternative – baked sweet potato fries. This will satisfy your sweet and crunchy cravings, too!

Next time you crave something you shouldn’t be eating, either at a meal or late at night, remember there are a variety of foods that are healthier and will satisfy the same craving you are having. If you are already following these simple steps and still experience heartburn, contact Houston Heartburn to schedule an appointment.