It sounds like a no brainer. We all breathe; therefore, we can reduce our heartburn! Deep belly breathing is the idea here. Try a few days without medication and see if this works for you.
According to a recent clinical trial published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, deep-breathing exercises can help those suffering from mild GERD. Regular breathing exercises are believed to build stronger muscles of the diaphragm, preventing acid flowing up into the esophagus.
Researchers from the Medical University Graz, in Austria, studied 19 men and women who suffered from frequent heartburn. Half of the group carried out abdominal breathing exercises for 30 minutes each day. The other half carried on as normal with their medication. It was found the first half of the group, the ones exercising, found a reduction in the amount of acid flowing up into the esophagus. This was measured by using a tiny catheter threaded through the nose and into the esophagus.
The other half of the group, using medications, were then instructed to do the deep-breathing exercises, too. After 9 months, they suffered from less acid reflux, as well as using less medication.
It is difficult to make the time to exercise in a hectic day. Only 11 out of the 19 participants stuck with the exercises. Some revealed they would rather just take the medicine, while others revealed they were simply too lazy to exercise.
Simply incorporating some breathing exercise into your day can reduce heartburn, so give it try! If not, make an appointment at the Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center to talk about how to handle your heartburn.